EU About

About us

Tavistock Institut gGmbH continues our extensive European work, with Germany as our home-base, building on our long-standing relationships with:

  • EU institutions, for example, European Commission and European Parliament
  • European agencies, for instance, Cedefop, Eurofound
  • EU level organisations and societies, for example, European Evaluation Society
  • academic, professional and industry consortia
  • clients, partners and associates in organisations of all sizes and sectors, across the EU (and beyond)

Much of the Tavistock Institut’s work is multi- and trans-disciplinary. Through comparative research & evaluation, organisational consultancy and professional development opportunities, we promote the effective implementation of strategies, policies & programmes and help you work more collaboratively across teams, organisations and sectors.

We work with current challenges:

  • leadership and followership
  • identity
  • barriers to change
  • wellbeing at work
  • diversity
  • digital exclusion
  • unconscious discrimination and bias
  • people / technology
  • looked-after children
  • youth unemployment
  • disadvantaged youth
  • reduced community cohesion
  • ageing and social care
  • displaced people and populations
  • entrepreneurship
  • global environmental crisis
  • rises in faith

We help you find creative solutions: underlying our work is a commitment to viewing research/consultancy as participatory – done with you, rather than to you.

Our Professional Development and Group Relations programmes attract international audiences and include the flagship, residential 2-week Group Relations conference, the Leicester Conference, held every year since 1957, about the exercise of personal authority and leadership in groups and teams.

Our purpose is for the public good – to help people and organisations to learn, change, lead, innovate and flourish.

The Tavistock Institute owns and edits the leading peer-reviewed international social science journal Human Relations.

Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Practice and Research is published in association with the Tavistock Institute.

Learn more about our parent organisation: Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.

Read our Gender Equality Plan.

Tavistock Institut Germany | Meinekestrasse 27, 10719 Berlin | +49 173 4577103
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